How is Hadoop Certification a boon for my career?

access_time 2019-05-11T14:36:30.061Z face LearnOA
Get A Big Data & Hadoop Certification & be the vital asset to an organization Do you ever doubt that the modern-day digital world has changed a lot or is changing at a rapid speed? As time passes, the technologies will grow and continue to shape businesses. As these take the fast pace, the technolog...

Does every company need DevOps?

access_time 2019-05-11T14:32:51.402Z face LearnOA
DevOps Outcomes for various kinds of companies The primary motive of inventing the DevOps platform was to offer aid when it came to closing the collaborations between the developers and IT operations. Originally, it came out as a platform that helped in bringing the developers and the beneficiaries ...

What exactly is Big Data and why to learn it?

access_time 2019-03-01T06:57:52.282Z face LearnOA
Understand Big Data & know how to learn it Today when everything is being typically sold by a direct/persistent approach of “big data,” what does “big data” means what is counted as “big data” analysis? Does the use of date filter to get thousands/millions of tweets from full trillion-tweet archive ...
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